Summer Found Me

“Summer found me” is a free GxB visual novel  made using Ren’py.

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>>Download German Version (Translated by Marcel Weyers) <<

 >>Download walkthrough<<

How to play:

After downloading, unpack the archive using a program like WinZip, WinRar or 7-Zip. Open the extracted folder and double click on the ‘Summer found me.exe’ file.


3 guys to pursue

10 endings

46,381 words

Rating: 14+





134 Responses to “Summer Found Me”

  1. Veniae 15/06/2012 at 15:16 #

    Just wanted to say that I downloaded the demo and am about to play it. From what I’m seeing so far, this is going to be a wonderful game! I’ll play through the demo and comment here or on Lemma with my impressions! ❤

    • SummerFoundMe 17/06/2012 at 18:24 #

      I really hope you enjoy the demo. I haven’t worked on the game lately and I should get back to it soon. I’m glad there’s someone who still cares about this project. 😀

      • Veniae 19/06/2012 at 17:23 #

        I played it and left a lengthy (well, somewhat) comment on the lemma thread. In a nutshell, it’s /wonderful/! Keep up the good work! ❤

  2. onlysarang 29/10/2012 at 00:14 #

    i downloaded it and it wont play .__. i have windows 7 so idk if that has to do with it not working, any ideas?

    • GlassHeart 29/10/2012 at 00:30 #

      I have window 7 myself so that isn’t an issue. does it give an error or anything? my only advice is to download it again to make sure you have all the files you need.

  3. misssterious 02/11/2012 at 02:02 #

    i’m hoping that this will be fun 🙂 i’m still downloading it…… eager to play it already ❤

  4. Z 02/11/2012 at 15:52 #

    Do I have to pay for this game? :O

  5. Bella 02/11/2012 at 16:52 #

    glass heart, this was so wonderful, I loved ALL the arcs! not surprisingly I started questing for the bad boy devlin, 🙂 BUT YOU KNOW WHAT, I ALL OF THEM ARE SO LOVEABLE, especially seth. so cute xoxo rate this one 10/10 we need more VNs like this one ❤

    • GlassHeart 02/11/2012 at 16:56 #

      Awww, thank you! ♥ That made me feel all warm and fuzzy inside. ^^

  6. bb 04/11/2012 at 02:38 #

    I SOOOOO LOVE THIS GAME!!!!! 🙂 awesomeness job

  7. misssterious 04/11/2012 at 09:00 #

    it was amazing !!!
    and i love it., though i’m still curious what was alden’s background since it still has a mystery on it but i love the ending it was so cute 😀 ..
    i also love devlin the most since his the bad boy but one of the sweetest 🙂 ….
    and seth too even if he ignores iris when he talks about alden haha!!
    and finally i finished all the happy endings but sadly i still can’t figure out how to finish ending no.9 😦

    but over all.. it was awesome and a wonderful game … !!!
    keep up the good work!!!! (thumbs up for you) 😀

    • GlassHeart 04/11/2012 at 09:52 #

      thank you! I’m so happy you liked it ^^ I won’t write how to get ending 9 here, since it’s a spoiler, but a few people made walkthroughs for the game. try googling it.

  8. Mallory Tracy 04/11/2012 at 23:58 #

    Can you download it somewhere else besides mediafire? It never works for me.

  9. misssterious 05/11/2012 at 12:07 #

    hahah thankz …. 🙂

    for the wonderful game 🙂
    i’ll try finishing it.. though :p as long as i can …

  10. Sayuuki 06/11/2012 at 17:53 #

    Amazing game! Finished playing it all in one day, the characters were really well made, I didn’t particularly like the heroine, but it still was a nice play.
    Văzu’şi pe forumurile lemmasoft că eşti româncă [assuming you’re a girl :))], sper să nu fiu eu chioară şi să nu înţelegi ce scriu. În orice caz, frumos joc, mă simt mândră că o cetăţeană a ţării mele a lucrat singură la un visual novel. Voi juca şi Trapped, dar abia aştept să-ţi văd proiectul recent. N-am nici un soi de experienţă cu visual novels sau platforma Ren’py, dar dacă pot să te ajut cu ceva, nu ezita să mă întrebi ;).

    • GlassHeart 07/11/2012 at 15:20 #

      Dap, sunt romanca. 🙂 Ma bucur ca ti-a placut. Eroina am vrut-o mai cu gura mare pt ca mereu cand joc visual novels si eroinele sunt carpe ma enerveaza. Probabil am dat-o in extrema cealalta, dar am vrut sa aiba personalitate chiar daca nu una 100% placuta. ^^ E super ca cineva din ro a jucat un joc de-al meu, in afara de 2 prietene pe care le-am rugat insistent hehe.

      Noul proiect va mai dura probabil mult pana sa apara, avand in vedere ca la fel ca la Summer ma voi ocupa de cam tot. Momentan nu prea stiu cu ce m-ai putea ajuta. Poate daca vrei sa fi beta tester cand va avea ceva mai multa substanta jocul. ^^

  11. Shourtstuff 08/11/2012 at 02:22 #

    Need help, I download the game but it won’t play, so I download it again but it still doesn’t. What’s should I do

  12. Sayuuki 10/11/2012 at 16:29 #

    Eroina n-a fost în special pe placul meu, dar cu siguranţă a avut mai multă substanţă decât una tipică. În mare dă un pic spre clişeic jocul, dar cu otome e cam imposibil să eviţi total asta. Mi-a plăcut de Seth, Devlin a fost genial, şi după câteva jocuri mi-am dat seama ce nume epice au personajele.

    Aş fi încântată să fiu beta tester, aştept cu nerăbdare Cryptohaven, având în vedere că jocurile tale sunt chiar foarte bune şi îţi urez spor la lucru! În principal mă gândeam că te-aş putea ajuta pentru ca tu să poţi termina jocul mai repede, ca să-l pot şi eu juca mai repede xD you get the logic :)).

    • GlassHeart 11/11/2012 at 13:53 #

      Stiu si eu ca au fost destul de multe clisee. 😛 Ideea de baza cu confession si personajele la fel… Nu pot sa zic ce face cliseele plictisitoare in unele jocuri/anime-uri/manga si interesante in altele dar eu am incercat pe cat posibil sa fie distractiv de citit si nu prea gretos ^^

      Mersi mult incurajari. Momentan am writer’s block se pare. Am citit niste fanfiction-uri recent care mi-au placut mult si acum parca personajele mele nu mai imi plac ca inainte. Parca sunt prea superficiale, plictisitoare, fara substanta. De-asta m-am deprimat un pic si nu stiu ce m-ar putea ajuta sa fac povestea mai interesanta.

  13. Sukii 12/11/2012 at 02:07 #

    when i download this, it turns into a file. how do i change it so i can play it? ;(

    • GlassHeart 12/11/2012 at 10:09 #

      do you mean a zip file? you have to use a program like winzip to extract the archive. then you can play it.

  14. Eve 13/11/2012 at 14:34 #

    Fabolous game! Keep up with your amaizing work, I am your numer one fan!!! ^^

  15. Sayuuki 14/11/2012 at 10:44 #

    Scuze de răspunsul cam întârziat, dar în ultima vreme trag de timp doar ca să nu-l găsesc.

    Nu-i problemă, cileşeele tale sunt bine folosite, nu sunt excesive şi nici plictisitoare! Cum am mai zis, în jocurile otome clişeele sunt aproape inevitabile. În general linia narativă mi-a plăcut, a fost uşor de digerat [nimic prea complicat], drăguţă, uneori amuzantă şi în principal bine conturată. Summer found me e un joc solid, bine făcut şi trece cu mult peste calitatea medie a puţinelor jocuri otome pe care le-am jucat eu. Adică l-am terminat într-o zi, toate rutele. Am jucat un otome japonez, genial de altfel, dar mi-a luat aproape un an să-l termin fiindcă mă plictisea rău de tot uneori.

    Cât despre writer’s block…take your time. Şi nu te subestima, un personaj prea complex/aproape perfect devine deja exagerat, iese din sfera posibilului. Daaacă vrei…te pot ajuta şi eu^^ Am un blog pe care scriu de ani de zile, deci pot spune că mă descurc bine cu scrierile imaginative. Şi cred că ţi-ar prinde bine punctul de vedere al altcuiva, te-ar ajuta să vezi lucrurile dintr-o altă perspectivă. So, again, nu te subestima! Dacă ai scos frumuseţea asta de Summer found me, sunt sigură că poţi să faci ceva la fel de bun, dacă nu şi mai bun.

    • GlassHeart 14/11/2012 at 12:54 #

      Mersi mult ca ma lauzi, ma simt si eu bine desi stiu ca jocul meu nu se compara cu cele comerciale. Oricum e bine sa fii critic cu tine insuti, pt ca doar asa poti sa avansezi.

      Apropo ce joc ai jucat? Eu am jucat mai multe (dintre care si japoneze). Daca a durat atat sa-l termini a fost cumva Tokimemo? Ala e epic ca lungime. Si un singur playthrough dureaza ore intregi.

      Apropo am vazut ca la prezentarea ta scrie ca ai 13. Pari mult prea matura sa ai doar atat. 😛

      Deocamdata am doar vreo 2000 de cuvintele, deci cand o sa mai strang o sa-ti trimit sa citesti daca vrei. Oricum in mare parte e dialog, ca doar e VN si se citeste repede.
      E putin mai greu sa ma exprim in engleza si imi ia mai mult sa scriu decat mi-ar lua in romana, dar pe de alta parte daca as face jocurile in romana nu le-ar juca mai nimeni. ^^

  16. Sayuuki 14/11/2012 at 16:07 #

    Te laud pentru că jocul tău e chiar bun şi pentru că ştiu că ai nevoie [e mult mai bine să simţi prezenţa persoanelor care te susţin decât să crezi că ele există undeva acolo, în umbră – am învăţat asta uitându-mă la statisticile blogului meu :))]. Cât despre critica de sine…eu o numesc auto-educare. Când observ ceva ce nu-mi place la mine, la felul în care trăiesc sau la rezultatele pe care le am, încerc să-mi dau seama care-i cauza şi să mă corectez sigură, încet dar sigur.

    N-am jucat Tokimemo, abia dacă am auzit de el. În principal numai otome străine [adică nu japoneze] şi ce am mai prins de pe forumurile lemmasoft. Am jucat un singur joc otome japonez, The Second Reproduction. A fost bun, diferit de astea americane [se simte influenţa], dar nu atât de bun încât să nu mă plictisească.

    Prezentarea mea?…nici nu-mi amintesc să fi scris chestia aia :)). Treişpe ani aveam când activam pe wordpress, defapt eu fac în decembrie 16.

    Cât despre linia narativă, ţi-am zis, nu te grăbi. N-ai de ce, mai bine aştepţi şi faci ceva cu adevărat bun. Cât despre exprimarea în engleză ştiiiu cum e, n-ai ce-i face că nu e limba noastră maternă. Dar să ştii că engleza din jocurile tale mi s-a părut ok, adică s-a simţit din primele fraze că nu ţi-e limbă maternă, dar în rest sună destul de bine.

  17. GlassHeart 14/11/2012 at 17:34 #

    Am si eu the second reproduction pe undeva, dar nu l-am terminat. In rest am mai jucat Starry sky de care am fost destul de dezamagita. Practic alegeai din 3 variante varianta cu baiatul pe care il vroiai de 1000 de ori pana la sfarsit. Dar in general VN-urile japoneze sunt standardul dupa care se iau restul, deci am incercat sa studiez problema.

    Ti-ai dat seama asa repede ca engleza nu e nativa? Stiai dinainte? altcineva mi-a spus ca nu si-a dat seama pana nu a vazut la profilul meu. Oricum macar se intelege ce vreau sa zic. ^^

    16 ani aproape… Multi inainte! Eheee cand eram eu de varsta ta :)) Deja ma simt batrana la 23.

  18. Sayuuki 14/11/2012 at 17:47 #

    Starry Sky îl am pe lista de aşteptare, în principal pentru seiyuu. Dar din ce am văzut despre el, mi se pare mai clişeic decât altele. Şi acum depinde şi de eroină, dar prin simplul fapt că e japonez face experienţa diferită.

    Cum mi-am dat seama? Ai o greşeală…un dezacord sau ceva de genul prin primele fraze. Doar atât :))

    Să ştii că şi eu am momente în care simt că am îmbătrânit. Îmi dau o facepalm în imaginaţie şi-mi amintesc că aşa ceva e imposibil. În orice caz, eram sigură că eşti mai mare decât mine; adică ce puştoaică e în stare să codeze, scrie şi să deseneze un joc singură ? Keep up the good work şi mândreşte-te, că doar eşti tânără!

    • GlassHeart 14/11/2012 at 20:01 #

      Starry sky e celebru pt eroina fara fata, si asta se reflecta si in faptul ca nu prea are nici personalitate. Am jucat doar in spring deci poate restul sunt mai bune… ? Oricum, sa-mi spui si mie ce parere ai cand il vei juca.

      Am avut 3 beta testeri si proofreaderi la joc deci e vina lor daca e vreo greseala, eu mi-am dat silinta :))

      Am vazut oameni mai tineri si mai talentati ca mine, deci nu e neaparat varsta o garantie a calitatii. Am aproape 24 (in feb implinesc) si deja viata incepe sa fie nasoala, deci sa vedem cat voi mai putea sa ma “prostesc” facand vn-uri ^^

  19. Fuyu 19/11/2012 at 15:14 #

    ><; Previous comment I made was incomplete. I got the good endings for the games but I couldn't get the 5th, 8th and 9th ending. Please make a walkthrough~ Onegaishimasu~

  20. SonnyIO 06/12/2012 at 15:34 #

    hi!! i am also a ren’py user, so i like looking for home-made games XD I stumbled upon this one, and I’m glad I did!!! it was really great! i love the humor in it a lot!! the story flowed and it was very fun to play! I was very impressed!! ^-^ thanks for making such an awesome game! (devlin’s my favorite, but i’m a little partial to seth, hehee!) I give you props for finishing it…there is so much that keeps me away from my own I worry that I’ll ever get it done!! haha i do have a question, however! 🙂

    in the ren’py script, how do you notify the game that you want the player’s name to be in the little window, (the name ‘Iris’ over the text box)? I mean, i know how to put character names in the window above the text box, but i’ve been trying to do the same thing for name inputs. Like, ‘Iris’ is the default name of the protagonist, so that’s all set. But how do I tell ren’py to indentify the main character as whatever name the player inputs? I know how to pull up a name input, but when i test it, the protagonist–or the person I’m playing as–is not indentified as the name i inputted. (is that a word?) Does that make sense? Sorry if it’s confusing, but i’ve been looking for the answer for so long!

    All in all, it was a great story! it was entertaining and bright and the drawings were very good!! XD looking forward to playing more~ best of luck!

    • GlassHeart 06/12/2012 at 16:50 #

      Hey! as renpy user you probably know about lemma soft forums, right? 99% of things I learned about renpy I learned from there and the renpy documentation.

      I hope I understood correctly what you mean. Here’s how to do it:

      you need to define the character as a dynamic character so you can change the name.
      -in an init block you put something like:
      $ mc = DynamicCharacter(‘name’, color = “#cf1717”, other_customizations_go_here) #name is the variable where we will put the name.
      -then when you ask the name:
      $ ui.input(‘Iris’, length = 10, xalign=0.5, yalign=0.5) #replace ‘Iris’ with the default name or leave empty. length is the max length you allow.
      $ name = ui.interact() #here we assign the variable ‘name’ the name that was just inputted by the player.

      I hope this helps.
      I’m glad you enjoyed playing Summer. Good luck with your own project and I hope you finish it. ^^

  21. SonnyIO 06/12/2012 at 15:34 #

    whoa…sorry for the smiley face at the end of the first paragraph O-o it looks so creepy like that haha!

  22. SonnyIO 06/12/2012 at 19:53 #

    thank you soooo much!! XD yes, i know of soft forums. I will definitely utilize them! thanks for the luck…i will need it haha! good luck on your own projects…again, looking forward to playing them!! (the fantasy-like, victorian one looks incredibly good!!)

  23. Lucin 13/12/2012 at 03:16 #

    I just gotta say I absolutely loved your story ,I seriously stood up all night till morning trying out all my options .
    You gave us some good choices .I don’t know how you came up with such brilliance but keep it up 🙂 .
    The moment I played this I became your fan even just reading your descriptions.
    I can’t wait for the other one . Just keep doing your best .
    I know how tough it can be sometimes . I’m a writer myself . I can only wish to get something published very soon .
    Goodluck .I’ll be waiting patiently .
    P.s Never doubt yourself , your doing amazing work!

    • GlassHeart 13/12/2012 at 14:05 #

      Thank you so much! It means even more coming from a writer. I don’t think it was that brilliant though… *blushes*
      What are you writing about?
      Whatever it is, I wish you luck and I hope you get publishd! ^^

  24. Kei 19/12/2012 at 04:23 #

    Hey! I just wanted to let you know, though you’ve probably already heard this, but this was an amazing game! I’ve been playing a lot of otome/girl pursues boy lately, and this is definitely one of the best (and I’m just judging this from playing Ending 6). Since I’ve only played for Devlin, I can only speak about him, but he was wonderful – he was very realistic! There are only a few otome that I think are good, and this is definitely the best. I’ve never wanted to replay/reread the same storyline right after I finished for any other game than this!

    I excited to see how your next one turns out – please keep it up! Cryptohaven looks especially promising ^^

    • GlassHeart 19/12/2012 at 10:37 #

      Thanks! I’m glad you’ve enjoyed playing Summer so far and I hope you like the other routes as well. I enjoy reading every message I get. 🙂
      I’ll try my best to finish my current game and return to working on CryptoHaven. It’s a pretty complex game so it’ll probably be quite a long time until it’s ready. I won’t give up though. ^_^

  25. Bella 25/12/2012 at 01:32 #

    Hi GlassHeart! I played Summer Found Me and I really really love it!<3 Do you think you will make more like it?I really fell in love in Delvin ❤ ahh…he is just so cute.You rock and just keep doing what you're doing. 🙂

    • GlassHeart 26/12/2012 at 13:27 #

      Thanks! Depends on what you mean like it. I will definately make more GxB games. I’m making one right now.! 😀

  26. Ero 28/12/2012 at 04:49 #

    mine downloads but only gives me a whole bunch of folders…help, i wanna play too ;cccc

    • GlassHeart 28/12/2012 at 18:44 #

      Isn’t there a file called “summer found me.exe” in the archive? Just double click that and the game should start.

  27. Jemm 05/01/2013 at 15:41 #

    Hi! Commenting just to say that I enjoyed your game. It’s quicker than most, but it’s all good. My favorite path is Devlin’s.

    • GlassHeart 05/01/2013 at 23:18 #

      Thanks for commenting! Sorry if you thought it was too short. That must mean you liked it so I will take it as a compliment. Haha ^^

  28. miloticforever 06/01/2013 at 09:09 #

    This game is amazing! I love Seth and everything he represents as the geeky best friend.

    • GlassHeart 07/01/2013 at 05:30 #

      Haha thanks. Seth was born out of my own wish for a geeky bff. Glad you liked him ^^

  29. cutestnami 16/01/2013 at 20:20 #

    This is a BEAUTIFUL game. I can’t stop fantasizing about Devlin. Personally, I wish it was longer, so I can enjoy it for longer, but hey, a bird in the hand is worth two in the bush, right?

    • GlassHeart 16/01/2013 at 22:49 #

      Haha, thanks. I’ve actually had dreams about Devlin before, on days when I wrote a lot of scenes. Weird, I know. lol. Sorry it wasn’t longer, I’m just glad I managed to finish it. ^_^;

  30. Rose 19/01/2013 at 02:57 #

    Is this game a free download??

  31. フェルナンダ (@Feeerchan) 20/01/2013 at 22:44 #

    Love it!

  32. britney 25/01/2013 at 05:35 #

    I need help,,After i download it i dont know what to do after to play the game,,
    HELP!! ;0

    • GlassHeart 27/01/2013 at 17:56 #

      You have to use a program like winrar or winzip to extract the archive. Then just open the folder and start the .exe file.

  33. Stefy 16/02/2013 at 08:37 #

    I just finished playing your game, and it was wonderfully made. I enjoyed it very much, even though my first ending was not such a good ending…(the ending where you end up losing two guys in you life…won’t say more). I love the characters you created, very well made both in dialogue and personalities. I especially liked Seth, as I was reading the dialogue between Seth and the main character I couldn’t help but laugh out loud at some of Seth’s remarks, you gotta love his humor. The artwork is very well done. I really did like this game, I wished there was a continuation, like part two or something…but I’m pretty sure that’s a lot to ask for. I’m sure it took a long time to even finished creating this game, but the fact that you created this and finished is beyond awesome! 😉 sorry for long paragraph but wanted to let you know how talented you are and how great this game was… now I will continue to play Summer Found Me and see the other endings…

    • GlassHeart 17/02/2013 at 12:59 #

      Thank you for taking the time to write me a comment, I really appreciate it. ^^ Someday I hope to make a part 2 showing what became of the characters (I have a few ideas already), but who knows if I will get around to it. Making the game kind of open-ended seemed like a good idea for now. That way people could imagine their own perfect endings.

      Good luck getting the other endings and remember you can use the walkthrough if you have any troubles. 🙂

  34. Ula 22/02/2013 at 19:51 #

    I love it. Looove it. I’ve never played Visual Novel like that one. I’m glad that I found it. And Iris is quite like me :3
    When I’ve finally recived my counter… I think I had finished like 7 endings in one day. Such a great gift. Hehe. And I must tell you that Seth is now on my phone wallpaper. Can’t get enough of him.
    Weeell, um. I just want to say… great job. And keep going! *hugs* ^__^

    • GlassHeart 27/02/2013 at 12:47 #

      Glad you enjoyed playing the game! ^-^
      Seth’s your wallpaper? Way to go Seth! He managed to geek his way into your heart. lol

  35. geniustyx 28/02/2013 at 14:56 #

    Woaw, I tried this visual novel yesterday and I find it amazing, I really like it 😀
    I don’t understood everything (I’m french so it’s pretty hard sometimes when I don’t know the vocabulary) but I still love this Visual Novel ❤
    Great Job! 😉

    • GlassHeart 01/03/2013 at 21:38 #

      I’m happy to hear you enjoyed it. I learned English by playing games, along with watching movies and reading, so I encourage you to keep doing it ^_^
      Thank you for playing and commenting!

  36. vampirezoe 01/03/2013 at 23:08 #

    All your games don’t work on my computer for some reason and I really want to play them

    • GlassHeart 02/03/2013 at 13:01 #

      I’m sorry to hear that. Do you have this problem with other ren’py games or just my games?

  37. whenpigsfly937 04/03/2013 at 07:27 #

    I just finished Summer found me. Played for the Alden route but ended up liking Devlin’s route more! haha. Hope you make more games like this!

  38. whenpigsfly937 04/03/2013 at 07:29 #

    Oh yea, and in the end who was that mysterious guy who smsed the MC? The guy who asked her if she liked mysteries. I never did find out…

  39. whenpigsfly937 04/03/2013 at 07:58 #

    Sorry for spamming but I already found out who,haha. Stay awesome!

  40. vampirezoe 16/03/2013 at 03:01 #

    I’ve had this problem with only a few Ren’py games not all of them whenever I try to play the game it only shows a black screen with music in the background

    • GlassHeart 16/03/2013 at 11:06 #

      Do you have ren’py installed? If you haven’t updated it, try doing that. Maybe it has something to do with the version you have.

  41. noiremizukii 21/03/2013 at 17:34 #

    I just wanted to comment on this for once.
    I found this VN a month ago and I fell in love wiht it ♥ I’m still trying to figure out how to get all 18 points for Devlin without cheating >.w:(
    Amazing work, to say it in two words *^*

    [since it’s nearly midnight in Germany right now :3]
    Oyasumi ~

    • GlassHeart 21/03/2013 at 18:43 #

      Thank you!!
      You’re very dedicated. I usually give up pretty easily when there’s a walkthrough available, so congrats for staying strong! There really isn’t any special reward for getting max points, I’m sorry to say (easide from personal satisfaction) ^_^

  42. Sara~ 24/03/2013 at 19:15 #

    ah, i REALLY love this game c: i played it before and it was working find, but i seem to stumble upon it again and I wanted to play once again, but when I try to extract it from winrar it gives me the message saying ‘the archive is either unknown format or damaged’ any suggestions? D;

    • GlassHeart 24/03/2013 at 23:28 #

      I’m sorry to hear that. maybe try downloading it again? I haven’t changed the archive files for a long time so it shouldn’t be different.

  43. ChirpySpirit21 26/03/2013 at 21:25 #

    Hi! This game is really very cute, thank you for making it! I loved Devlin, and the music that played in the background whenever he was around. Could you please tell me where I could get the music used in the game?

    • GlassHeart 26/03/2013 at 22:35 #

      I don’t remember what Devlin’s specific song was called, but the music I used was from and
      Hope that helps ^_^

  44. Nana 27/03/2013 at 23:47 #

    I just wanted to say that I fell in love with your game 😀
    I had a great time playing it, the characters were realistic, humourful and adorable, I could feel sorry for the characters or laugh at their jokes,… that is something that I couldn`t experience with every visual novel
    I will gladly follow your next projects ^^
    Keep up with the good work, you are amazing 🙂

    • GlassHeart 29/03/2013 at 09:31 #

      Thank you ^^ It makes me very happy to hear that.
      I’ll have my new game, Signed X, ready in a couple of days. If you’re not alergic to pink and hearts that is 😀

  45. Victoria 29/03/2013 at 06:32 #

    I’m so frustrated right now! I can’t play Summer Found Me at all, for no reason. I ended up downloading ren’py and directx because some people said it helped, but it didn’t. It opens for like a second, then it closes and an error box thing comes up and says the textures aren’t rendering. I’ve been trying to fix it for hours but nothing is working and I just really want to play it!

    • GlassHeart 29/03/2013 at 09:28 #

      I don’t know if you’ve tried it, but make a .txt file in the same folder as the game and add in it: RENPY_RENDERER=”gl”
      Hope it works.

      • Victoria 29/03/2013 at 21:33 #

        I tried doing something like that, but then I realized I had no idea what I was doing and it didn’t work 😦

  46. Sara 07/04/2013 at 02:34 #

    Hello, I just finished playing summer found me and I have to say that I absolutely loved it!. It was a really good game and I loved the characters, specially Devlin.

    I also found this site today and I really admire your efforts and how you try to improve your games every time and successes! that really amazes me ^-^. Anyway I look forward to your future games and I will stay tuned for that.

    If I’m allowed to give a little advice-request I would say that I would really love it if you your games would have a bit more “action” like you know more kisses and “hot moments” and so on (maybe it’s just me being a bit of a pervert). Well anyway summer found me was suuper suuuuper good!! 😀

    • GlassHeart 07/04/2013 at 23:25 #

      Thank you very much for your comment. I try to make each game better and hopefully future ones will not disappoint. ^_^
      I don’t know if I’m able to write anything more… “hot”, I’d be scared what people might think when reading such scenes. Maybe if they fit the theme of the game, but so far my stories have been on the innocent side. Not to mention Summer took place in the span of one week, so I think any more action would have been too much. But I’ll think about it. 😛

  47. Caly 08/04/2013 at 01:04 #

    Hi, I was playing summer found me for the 10th time (at least) and I was thinkin’ how great it is and I didn’t even leave you a comment about it (shame on me!). So here goes : I really, totally, adore your game! It’s very well written (i’m such a fan of your dialogue lines) and it has a lot of humour (I laught so hard sometimes people around me looked at me with weird expressions) and of course the romance was cute. I loved it!!

    So I’d like to thank you for making such a great game. It really is inspiring seeing amasing work like this done by one person. I feel so fired up for my own projects (right now but I know how lazy I am…)

    I’m looking forward to see what you’ll do next, and in the meantime I’m gonna try signed X, which looks interesting (it’s got humour right? So I’m already loving it).
    I wish you the best for your futur work, take care.

    • GlassHeart 09/04/2013 at 03:51 #

      Thank you so much for commenting. Reading comments like yours is what keeps me going. 🙂
      I wish you good luck with your own projects. I feel the same way when I enjoy other people’s games, I feel more driven to make something better myself.
      On the other hand, I know aaaaall about lazyness and how hard it is to beat it, but I can tell you it’s well worth it in the end.
      Let me know what you think of Signed X. It’s much shorter than Summer, and doesn’t have as much drama, but I hope you’ll like it as well. ^_^

  48. Iris 19/04/2013 at 20:08 #

    I found it hard to finish the game because the protagonist is such a doormat. And the guys are real jerks.

    • GlassHeart 20/04/2013 at 19:16 #

      Actually if there’s one thing I hate, it’s a doormat protagonist, so I really tried to stay away from that stereotype.
      I’m not sure why you thought ALL the boys are jerks. Sure, Devlin’s one, but when is Alden a jerk? I tried to make a character for every taste.
      Sorry you didn’t like the game, but thanks for your opinion.

  49. lauren 30/04/2013 at 05:26 #

    whenever i try and open it after extracting it it just opens the traceback notepad. like when i click the game it looks like its about to open but then it switches. help!!!!

    • GlassHeart 30/04/2013 at 16:58 #

      what does it say the error is? I didn’t make the actual game engine, so I can’t really tell you why it’s not working. I could post it to the forums for you, and maybe someone can tell me what’s wrong.

  50. Anonymous 26/05/2013 at 19:10 #

    Love(d) it!! Thank you very much.

  51. EndlessFailures 02/06/2013 at 17:55 #

    This VN is amazing! :’)

  52. amazed 06/06/2013 at 19:47 #

    Awesome work you did there. 😀

  53. amazed 10/06/2013 at 15:49 #

    I finished 9 endings out of 10 I tried to unlock the 10th but I couldn’t so please help even if its a little hint…

  54. amazed 10/06/2013 at 16:10 #

    I used the walk through for the last ending …too bad…. I should’ve tried more but I didn’t know it was a Seth ending oh well…AMAZING GAME AND CHARACTERS…..CAAAAKE!

    • GlassHeart 11/06/2013 at 11:30 #

      Haha. XD Thank you. I’m glad you found the walkthrough. I don’t think it’s a bad thing to use it, that’s why it’s there. And you did find all the other endings by yourself so congrats! 😀

  55. Kitsu.Ki 20/06/2013 at 21:41 #

    Usually, I didn’t like Otome game but … I love this one, !!! (OwO)
    I really enjoyed playing summer found me. The characteres are interresting and the girl isn’t this kind of stupid, boring, brainless girl !! (^o^)
    I had a great pleasure when playing it so, thanks a lot, your work is just amazing ! ! (^o^)/
    I’m waiting for other games like this !
    (I’m quite bad in english so, sorry if there’s some mistakes in my comment (=w=)’ )

    • GlassHeart 21/06/2013 at 00:18 #

      I’m happy I could create an otome game that was different and that you liked. I hate boring protagonists too. >.>
      Thank you very much for taking the time to write to me to tell me your opinion. ^_^ And your English wasn’t bad at all!

  56. Ana 30/06/2013 at 23:48 #

    La inceput m-am uitat pe joc si am decis sa il joc din plictiseala. Il joc acum si este foarte bun, imi place eroina! Bravo tie si uite ca mai ai inca un compatriot aici sa te incurajeze 😀

    • GlassHeart 01/07/2013 at 13:47 #

      Mersi frumos! Ma bucur ca ti-a placut. Pot sa te intreb de unde ai auzit de joc? Sunt curioasa 😛

  57. creeeeeeeper 02/07/2013 at 03:23 #

    Hello! I just wanted to say that you made an amazing job. I really enjoyed playing this game, and loved the characters! So cool to see that the childhood friend got more endings than the others. It was a bit painful to see him being friendzoned in one of them, though…
    But really!! It’s been quite a long time since I’ve last played something that made me smile so much like this. I love the way it was written.

    By the way, I’ve also played Trapped quite some time ago, and that was a very nice experience as well. So now I’ll play Signed X!

    TL;DR: you’re awesome and I love your works!!! \ºuº/

    • GlassHeart 02/07/2013 at 16:27 #

      Thank you very much! I like to think that no matter how many bad endings one character has, the best one makes up for the rest. But yes, poor Seth. XD
      Not a lot of people mention playing Trapped, so thank you. I hope you like Signed X, too. ^_^

      • Anonymous 24/07/2013 at 02:54 #

        He-hello! I meant to leave a comment here a long time ago… I finished playing Signed X that same day, but I kept forgetting about coming back here while remembering every night and then forgetting again.

        That was was sweet! I really liked the characters, specially Warren. And little Michael. Ahaha~ \°u°/

        I’m replying here so that you will know that it was the same person… hm…you know. Also, why did you follow me back? Thank you a lot! And sorry! :’D

        • GlassHeart 24/07/2013 at 15:47 #

          Hello again! ヾ(^∇^) Glad you liked Signed X too. That happens to me too (remembering stuff when you can’t do anything about them).

          I’m kind of a noob at the whole tumblr thing. But I follow pretty much anything with anime in it XD and your posts were funny/cool so why not? ^_^

  58. Biev 06/07/2013 at 10:10 #

    Loved it! Great characters and dialogue. I love your sense of humor. Your other games are fantastic as well. Thanks for the hard work and I hope we’ll get to see more in the future!

    • GlassHeart 06/07/2013 at 12:57 #

      Thank you very much! I hope to be able to deliver more games too. 🙂

  59. Nathyy 08/07/2013 at 08:55 #

    Hi! I loved your game. I only played devlin because you knowww…the bad boy sauce is always the best. lmao. I got both of his endings and loved them. I caught myself laughing at the humor you incorporated through devlin. Hope to see more fabulous games from you. ❤

    • GlassHeart 10/07/2013 at 00:30 #

      You should try the other boys too. You might be surprised ^_^ Anyway, thank you for playing!

  60. vampayano 09/07/2013 at 22:31 #

    This traceback txt file pops up right before the game starts:

    I’m sorry, but an uncaught exception occurred.

    After initialization, but before game start.
    Exception: Textures are not rendering properly.

    — Full Traceback ————————————————————

    Full traceback:
    File “H:\Other\Summer found me – 2.5-all\Summer found me – 2.5-all\renpy\”, line 291, in bootstrap
    File “H:\Other\Summer found me – 2.5-all\Summer found me – 2.5-all\renpy\”, line 346, in main
    File “H:\Other\Summer found me – 2.5-all\Summer found me – 2.5-all\renpy\display\”, line 1149, in __init__
    File “H:\Other\Summer found me – 2.5-all\Summer found me – 2.5-all\renpy\display\”, line 1356, in set_mode
    File “gldraw.pyx”, line 293, in (gen\
    File “gldraw.pyx”, line 509, in (gen\
    File “gltexture.pyx”, line 179, in (gen\
    Exception: Textures are not rendering properly.


  61. Anonymous 03/10/2013 at 01:45 #

    I love the game, but i’ve gotta ask, does the game end after she tells him her feelings and he responds?

    • GlassHeart 04/10/2013 at 12:47 #

      Pretty much, yes. I wanted to leave it somewhat open ended.

  62. WeBYoung4ever 09/06/2014 at 10:23 #

    I’m posting a gameplay of this game today ❤ I loved it so far, my Youtube channel name is WeBYoung4ever. If you don't want me to post it I won't n-n

    • GlassHeart 29/06/2014 at 20:54 #

      Sorry for the late reply. I don’t have any problem with it, I’m actually glad you liked the game enough to do a gameplay video of it. ^_^

  63. MyFirstNameStartsWithTheLetterS 04/07/2014 at 16:58 #

    I just LOVE this game!
    Thank you so much for making it, you made me so happy and inlove ♥♥♥

  64. chimerin0900 15/07/2014 at 03:39 #

    Hey! Just wanted to say what a great this is. The only thing I hate is not knowing what happens afterwards. Like, did Devlin ever contact his mother? What kind of relationship do he and MC have now? So many questions ;w; But for one important question, are you gonna make more games?

  65. Mizuomi 23/09/2014 at 23:34 #

    I’m sooo in love with this game, you really put your spirit in it! Are you not planning on a sequel for it?

    • GlassHeart 25/09/2014 at 14:51 #

      Glad to hear you liked it. I’m not really planning a sequel since I don’t think it needs it. But never say never. ^^

  66. reemie 12/10/2014 at 03:28 #

    I love this! Played it for like a hundred times already! My favourite was Seth
    thanks a lot!

  67. Skyler 20/03/2015 at 21:10 #

    Love this game 🙂 Have played it over so many times! Wonderfull made, great job! =)

  68. Anonymous 23/09/2015 at 22:09 #

    I don’t even remember how I ended up here, but I just played this and really enjoyed it. I plan to play through a few more times to get the other endings before I try your other games.

  69. Silly Jilly 12/12/2015 at 13:55 #

    I have a spare BRA and PANTS for anyone, in my closet.Anyone need some??

  70. Annis6 16/01/2016 at 13:19 #

    Hello there,
    I download the german version of your Visual Novel and I must say it is very good. Good job.
    Can I Lets Play it für my Youtube Channel? I promise I don’t earn money with Youtube. I want to show my Abos how cool this game ist. Thats why I ask

    • GlassHeart 23/01/2016 at 18:35 #

      Hey! Sorry for the late reply. Sure, you can use it. I would love to get more people interested in the game. ^_^

  71. Annis6 16/01/2016 at 23:16 #

    I love that

  72. Agnieska 07/07/2016 at 17:26 #

    Hey, I just want to say thank you for creating this game, it was really pure joy to play. I enjoyed your writing a lot, all the talks were so funny and original. I liked how each character had it’s own shades. It was simply loveable how this short story was full of it’s happy and dramatic moments.
    My number one favourite was Devlin, I liked his storyline the most, and as much I thought for first that I’m going to hate him did he soonly become the one I was the most interested in. He’s really a true romantic novel hero, you know. 😀 And also, I liked the chemistry between him and Iris.
    Seth is a sweetheart too, although I couldn’t think of him as a romantic interest, and his (spoileralert) ‘little action’ was kinda creepy for me – thought it was going to be Devlin, and was angry with his character ’till the end for first (not spoileralert anymore), but still, he’s really a good one, plus points for always being himself, and I liked his attitude troughout the story really much.
    I liked how different Alden was, as Iris imagined him, it was really good to see, how their relationship grows, not to mention, how much I liked the endings. Some of them was bittersweet and realistic, and still all happy and positive on their ways.
    Soo, keep up writing and doing this, because you’re amazing and talented – this visual novel is so catchy and entertaining, I’m still playing it for the 100th time, wishing to find another ending (I’m practically sure I’ve got the most of them, but unfortunatelly didn’t count) – and have a really good sense for it (I mean c’mon, I’m 18 and not that kind of person, who can fall in love with all the romance stories she reads, but you made me to really love this one).

    So, I downloaded the other ones you made, and can’t wait to play them. Wishing you a good luck for everything. 🙂

    • GlassHeart 07/07/2016 at 18:09 #

      Thanks for taking the time to comment. It’s always nice to see what you guys think. I see dev has another fan hehe. And there are 10 endings in total. No secret ones unfortunately. I hope you like my other games too although they are not as long.

  73. MaahHeim 04/10/2019 at 22:42 #

    I really felt the need to share that I played this back in 2012! Only pursued Devlin and Seth as far as I remember, but it was pretty cool! I found some screenshots a few minutes ago and I was like DUDE, WHAT WAS THAT GAME CALLED AGAIN? WHERE DID I FIND IT? I still have no idea, but I’m glad I was able to remember the name of it! ♥♥♥

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